Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring has Sprung!

Yes, this was at 7:30 AM this morning! It's cold but they got dressed and out they went. We took out the bikes last night and they've only ridden on the patio so far but I'm sure that won't last too long...especially for Dominic. I think we'll take out the patio swings today. It's so warm during the day on the back patio, no wind at all.
Dominc has his first "school friend" birthday party today. The little boy lives in our neighborhood so that's nice. I'm hoping we can just kind of relax know, along with doing the laundry, answering Alex's 20 000 questions, etc. If I can spend 30 minutes out back in the sun today my mission will be accomplished.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

DS fever...

It's been a while, we are busy busy busy...running all the time. I saw a Naturopath last week for my chronic lack of energy; and she determined that my pancreas is working overtime and producing too much insulin and litteraly sucks the energy right out of me (kind of like Alex...)
So I'm on a very high protein diet, almost no carbs in order to regulate my blood sugar and pancreas. Lots of fruits and veggies, meat. Not bad, I get to eat meat, cheese, make really good shakes. Kind of the kick in the but I needed to eat better and lose weight. I lost 5 lbs in the first week!
Anyways, when I first started this diet, I was so weak and exhausted! I could barely stay awake last weekend; but I've gradually been getting better. Going to bed early last week. That's why I haven't been writing, or doing anyhing else for that matter. Planning and preparing what I'm going to eat takes time...which is why I haven't been doing it before.
Dominic's been loving his DS, he's not playing too much, not exagerating. But Alex has been unbearable! She wants one and will not let up. They fight constantly, Alex steals it, Dominic wants it back. So I got fed up that I told her if she wanted one, she would have to buy it with her own money. So she came down with her coin bucket. Turns out she had half the money! So I paid the rest and got her one! Everyone's happy.

Well, this morning, we were supposed to go to the store to get some birthday presents. So I was still on the phone, hadn't showered yet, and I told the kids to go get dressed since they were still in pyjamas. 5 minutes, later, still on the phone, I come up and this is what I find...

You realize my parents wished this on me....I know! They've been telling me all my life I would get what's coming to me!
Anyways...I'm so looking forward to my scrapbooking 2 weeks!!! About 16 of us rented a big cottage and we are packing up and leaving town!!! Woohoo!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

So proud!!

I am so proud of my Dominic! He came back from NB wanting a Nintendo DS since he played with Félix-Adam and loved it. Well, I said I would NOT buy him a $150 video game! No way! (The WII was MY birthday present...who could tell...) So then I told him that if he really wanted one, he could use his money in his piggy bank which he's been filling up since...he was born. I explained the rules: He would have to save until he had enough, he would have to buy his own games, he would have to save up his money again since he would have none left, and of course, no more than 1 hour a day of playing, etc, etc, etc.
Last night, we counted and rolled change...he had $160!!!! So tonight, we went shopping...he chose a nice candy apple red new DS Lite, a Mario Brothers case and I bought him (I know, I cheated) a Mario game. I still can't get over the fact that my 6 year old saved up $160 and bought himself a video game! He works so hard! He is so good! We sometimes give him money for work he does or if we ask him to do something harder or special, we tell him we will pay him. He puts everything in his bank. So the lesson up, pay cash, be patient. Now if only his parents could get that....

Friday, March 6, 2009

Busy busy busy

Wow! It's really been a while! I have been crazy busy! Starting last week, my parents came over to spend some time and pick up the kids to bring them to NB for March break. Kids were so excited!! We had planned to stay home but treat ourselves a bit to outings and fun since we were going to be kidless for a week. So Saturday morning, the day before they were to leave....Alex starts running a fever. Pretty high fever and complains of a sore throat. Come Sunday better, my parents have to leave with Dominic and leave her behind. Poor Alex. She was so sick she didn't mind that much but I promised her we'd go to Québec to pick up Dominic and we'd do something fun.
Alex was better by Tuesday, so back to work. Work is crazy busy; first I work only 4 days a week (30 hours), but my job is still the same 40h/week job. Plus, now I have to do 2 jobs as I'm working on the Laval office new phone system implementation. Needless to say...we didn't go out and didn't have fun. On Wednesday night, we were ALL asleep by 9!

So tomorrow morning (Saturday), we are going to Québec, going to Galleries de la Capitale where they have an amusement park to spend a few hours. Then we are meeting "The Cousins" for dinner and swimming at the hotel. Should be so much fun!! Can't wait to see them!
My parents will come in on Sunday morning and we'll have a quick family reunion with Pizza, then come back home with Dominic.
He's been having such a good time in Edmundston! He LOVES Félix-Adam (my parents' neighbors' son) They get along so well and miss each other terribly when they are separated. They've been building forts outside and skiing all week.

Germain (neighbor), Félix-Adam, Dominic, Marie-Krystine, Dad

Andrée Dominic, Luc, Marie-Krystine, Félix-Adam

Best Buds

So now, off I go to fold laundry and get ready for our fun weekend. Life will get back to normal on Monday and hopefull slow down soon...Don't think I can take this much longer...neither can this blog!