It's been a while, we are busy busy busy...running all the time. I saw a Naturopath last week for my chronic lack of energy; and she determined that my pancreas is working overtime and producing too much insulin and litteraly sucks the energy right out of me (kind of like Alex...)
So I'm on a very high protein diet, almost no carbs in order to regulate my blood sugar and pancreas. Lots of fruits and veggies, meat. Not bad, I get to eat meat, cheese, make really good shakes. Kind of the kick in the but I needed to eat better and lose weight. I lost 5 lbs in the first week!
Anyways, when I first started this diet, I was so weak and exhausted! I could barely stay awake last weekend; but I've gradually been getting better. Going to bed early last week. That's why I haven't been writing, or doing anyhing else for that matter. Planning and preparing what I'm going to eat takes time...which is why I haven't been doing it before.
Dominic's been loving his DS, he's not playing too much, not exagerating. But Alex has been unbearable! She wants one and will not let up. They fight constantly, Alex steals it, Dominic wants it back. So I got fed up that I told her if she wanted one, she would have to buy it with her own money. So she came down with her coin bucket. Turns out she had half the money! So I paid the rest and got her one! Everyone's happy.
Well, this morning, we were supposed to go to the store to get some birthday presents. So I was still on the phone, hadn't showered yet, and I told the kids to go get dressed since they were still in pyjamas. 5 minutes, later, still on the phone, I come up and this is what I find...
You realize my parents wished this on me....I know! They've been telling me all my life I would get what's coming to me!
Anyways...I'm so looking forward to my scrapbooking 2 weeks!!! About 16 of us rented a big cottage and we are packing up and leaving town!!! Woohoo!!