Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Still here!!

Wow! It' s been exactly 1 month! We've been crazy busy... Let's see...can't even remember what's happened in the last month.

Well I worked like crazy, I was on a project installing a new phone system in the Laval office. That was quite fun, except for the day we worked 21 hours straight...still recovering from that one.... But, it was very interesting work, I loved it and hopefully will be doing much more of those.

My parents were here last week, that was a nice visit...nice break from the kids. Kids are still here...they just say "Memere!!!! all day long!!

Believe it or not...I've just signed up BOTH kids for soccer this summer AND myself as a coach!! Now the hardest thing for me was to realize that I got my Level 1 soccer coach certification 20 YEARS AGO!!!! OUCH!! I've never coached soccer but we'll see how I do now.

Camping season is finally here!! We are going camping in Tremblant this weekend; we all can't wait! Friends who just got a new camper are coming with us. Should be lots of fun. Kids have been waiting for so long.

So this is about all I can manage tonight...can't think anymore. I will try to be better about writing...just had this idea about stealing Gilles' laptop to sit in front of the TV and write. I'll just have to do that more often.