Saturday, January 31, 2009

Sesame Street

Busy day today...started with Alex's ski course. She's pretty good, but she still can't stop. Important thing is that she loves it. She goes down the big hills between the instructor's legs. At least she's not afraid. Now the only one left is Gilles...He should start next week...I hope.
After the course, we rushed home, ate, changed and went to Sesame Street Live. I wasn't too impressed. Kids kind of liked it but I think we all found it kind of long.

I didn't end up scrapping a lot yesterday...I spent half the day on Facebook!!! That's why I don't want to go look up and the day is gone! But I found a bunch of friends; Milene (from PEI), Kim Michaud, Sylvie Levesque, Tommy Lavoie, Frank Parent, Bonnie Chassé and a few more I forget. Chatted with Tommy for a bit. Wow! I haven't seen him in over 15 years! It was great to hear from him. Nice to see photos of everyone.

Last night we finished the first season of 24...borrowed from a friend. I liked it, it's very good...but it's too long to watch in one shot and I couldn't wait every week to see the next one so I think I'm already giving up on 24. So I'm having a glass of wine, think we will watch a movie and go to bed early...Nothing exciting planned for tomorrow but we're tired. Especially since I have to go back to work on Monday after being away for a week. I always end up paying for being away!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new blog Josée! Great job!
Tante Colette xx