Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Now I'm sick...

I now have a bad cold in my lungs, I hope I will be better tomorrow. I didn't miss anything today but I came straight to bed. Caroline went out to get me dinner. We are like locals now, all the vendors recognise us and call us by name. People really are friendly here.

This afternoon we went to Haiya Sophya, it's a christian church turned mosque turned museum built 1500 years ago! Unbelievable! Here are some photos of it.

Sorry, can't rotate from here

Graffiti from a viking in the 9th century.

Of an iphone camera cant do it justice, but I have better photos on my Canon.

We saw a lot of other amazing things but I don't have photos on my iPhone. Istanbul is an amazing place to visit.

Demain, on prends un avion pour aller a Antalya sur la Mediterranee pour le marriage. Il fait beau et chaud la donc on va plus relaxer.

A bientot.

Josee et Caro.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Yannik said...

C'est le fun d'avoir de vos nouvelles.....bonne conyinuation...Yannik